Prenatal Partner Yoga

Yoga for Labor, Birth and Connection

This workshop provides an opportunity for couples to enhance their awareness and confidence in pregnancy and birth. Couples use Partner Yoga in a light fun atmosphere. Along with Partner Yoga, the workshop will also focus on different ways to connect and use Yoga off the mat and during Birth.

Topics covered include:

-Yoga sequences and postures which could be useful during Labor and Delivery

-Alternative Birthing positions and how to get in and out of them

-Intuitive massage techniques to relieve pain and increase endorphins

-Counter pressure techniques useful for relieving Labor pain

-Vocal toning to facilitate relaxation and opening.

Partner Yoga is a fun practice of yoga postures done in physical contact with another person. Students experience a deeper sense of release and stretching through sharing weight and touch with their partners. The practice helps develop a strong feeling of connection both on the mat, and afterwards.

Cost: $60 Per couple