Loose mouth, loose bottom

If you want the cervix to open, you need to open your throat. Yes you read that correctly, your vocal cords and cervix have a connection. Cervix literally means neck, and this isn’t a coincidence. These areas of the body almost mirror one another anatomically, and the tissues have even been shown to respond in the same way when stimulated! Certified midwives will often note that making open throated sounds during labor can help that labor progress, and even help in pain management.

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Sawyer's Birth- The most profound surrender I have ever done

I have been a prenatal yoga teacher and a birth doula for the past 15 years, so I was eagerly looking forward to actually experiencing labor myself. I planned a home birth, using my professional connections to select the exact midwife team and the best support I could have. I even had a nominal statement from one of the few OB’s I trusted for hospital birth that if anything happened I could call her if we transferred…Not that I expected to need it, but just to have all the bases covered.

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