Position Baby better for an easier Birth!
Spinning Babies and Lorenza Holt returns to Om Births June 24th for a special workshop on optimal positioning for your baby before and during Labor and Birth!
You may have heard about the amazing effects of spinning babies techniques on Positioning for Breech babies, now learn how to incorporate these techniques to possibly avoid a breech baby altogether. Better understand the structure and malleability of your pelvis, and how to use your own movements and positions to work best with your body through labor to speed up and smooth out your labor!
This 2 hour class will talk about:
1. The pelvis, the uterus, and the collection of soft tissues that support the pregnant uterus.
2. How the position of the baby in the pelvis can impact your comfort in pregnancy and ease during the birth process.
3. Daily activities that promote more comfort in pregnancy.
4. Gentle stretches, positions or exercises that a mother can practice in pregnancy and during labor to encourage a more flexible pelvis.
5. Have fun learning Belly Mapping! The bumps, kicks and wiggles you are feeling can tell you the position of your baby in that moment.
Lorenza Holt, Spinning Babies Trainer, and approved birth doula trainer with DONA International comes to this workshop with more than 20 years of experience as a childbirth educator, birth doula, and trainer in a variety of women’s health topics. She is a native of Guadalajara, Mexico who lives in Boston, Massachusetts.